Sunday 30 June 2013

Pitter Licking

So I went with some others picking up litter from the roads in our community yesterday.

I recommend it.

It spoke to me so much my head was spinning.

It spoke to me of my journey. My work being the work i need to focus on and not really worry about why the work is there, but that i have been asked to pick it up. I haven't been asked to do it all. I needed to walk alongside others picking things up as they go. Some go before and there are still bits for me to do. Some will follow me and pick up the bits i missed or are newly fallen. I am not asked to go into places I haven't been invited, but little children aren't hindered by the boundaries that I put in myself. Sometimes I may wait for permission, but people would have been grateful for my intrusion.

Anyone helping is great. It doesn't matter their technique, their tools, their style, but that they do.

Its good to be with others, to share the experiences. To encourage one another along the way. And so i don't get lost or lose my way, or end up somewhere too much for me. To anchor me. To help me stop and rest, to stop me from being jaded, bitter and judgemental.

If everyone did a little bit, things would be so much better.

Whereever I go I improve things when I deal with the bits I see. There is so much more to be done, so many places yet untouched, which would benefit from people going.

That i need times of rest, cos without them carrying on is less effective.

I can't go everywhere. maybe there are more bits I can do. Maybe its easier than I think and that my family are inspired by it and inspired to join in.

I LOVED the reverend who went with us. The service he showed in getting his hands dirty and knowing people, greeting people, being bothered about their lives, being interested. Such a vital and precious gift to the community, someone knowing, someone caring, someone to connect.

It spoke to me of sins, unhelpful habits, addictions.  Most small like cigarette butts. Plentiful and collected in one area or strewn long the way. So time consuming to pick up one by one. Little bits along the way. Bigger bits in hidden places, easily cleared if you looked for them. Some dug right in and need extra time to uncover and remove. Some thrown among brambles and it is difficult extracting them. Some too big or too dug in that they need help to remove, more time, other tools, different people. Some unthinking, others selfish, still more born out of pain.

Aww it all could be rubbish.... spoke to me tho, and I don't want to forget it xxxxxxxxxxxx

Found this draft......

If a spell, I will cast thee:

Grow vines and leaves around my charred spirit and hide me away.
Draw me into yourself and soothe away the burn.
Lay me down awhile encased in soil and autumn loam
Bring your balm, and natures oil to cool and soothe the burn.

Tuesday 13 September 2011


I enjoyed making this for my friend Steve.

Based on the book "Journal of Impossible Things" from the Dr Who episodes Human Nature/The Family of Blood.

This kind of book turns up in  Silence in the Library, Forest of the Dead and whenever 11th Dr interacts with River Song.

First time and hopefully not the last book I make....... loved it.

So more to the point what was the programme I was watching at the time, it was a while back now. Am assuming it was Dr Who - 10th Doctor - which episode tho?

Where have I been???????

How have I not collected my thoughts for such a long time?

That aside... I LOVE THIS PHOTO

Bram Stoker and Buffy

Reading Bram Stokers Dracula....

Finding his use of women in his story very interesting especially as a big fan of Buffy. Would like to read a conversation between him and Joss Whedon.

Looking up articles on the internet, seems I have to join some periodicals to find other people to
explore the issues with and i ask important is this right now Hat???

But hey if you read this and you're thinking, yes this issue is burning in my mind too.... let me know :)