Monday 21 February 2011

Half Term - Day 1: Marvel.....lous

As a response to my brave attempt at keeping tv and media at minimum, my children turned into 3 supervillians, Bedlam, Mayhem and Chaos. A trio of devious minds, with fearsome superpowers.

Bedlam, a creative force, not to be denied.  A whirlwind through the kitchen, turning sellotape, cardboard, pens, boxes, into robot washine machines, viking longboats and devastation. Then paint redistributed across walls and carpets, she all but finished her portrait on the landing wall....... red and orange, colours of fire.

Mayhem, the energy of life, life that will not be withheld, life that finds a way, a way through concrete pavements. Life that fills empty spaces like entrenched perennial weeds. Armed with a sonic scream and groovy dance moves, she pirouettes through the day, oblivious to the trail of destruction behind her, an understairs toy shop here, a new fancy dress costume there, a duplo tower castle, happy land hilarity and play dough......oh the carpet sucking playdough.

And Chaos, barefaced or should I say bare-cheeked Chaos. Beware his magnetism, his addictive smile, for he will lure you to your sticky sweet doom. Voracious in appetite, devastating in charm, he can devour the contents of your cupboards in a moment. A maverick, undisciplined, untrained, he unleashes his energy and bodily fluids, openly, enthusiastically, violently. Ricocheting off the walls, he can turn any simple household object into a near deadly missile.  Aim to maim, baby, aim to maim.

A trio, alike in dignity, 
In fair Thornhill, where we lay our scene, 
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, 
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
Roll on tomorrow :)

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