Friday 28 January 2011

Here bee dragons....

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. It's wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway, because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. (Bee Movie 2007)

Is that the same for dragons?

Truly Scrumptious

I love my children and their sense of wonder and mischief

Thursday 20 January 2011

Career through Thursday eyes..... Fridays on its way tho

Lots of big slippery rocks to organise into this year, that seem rather unwieldy.
Then the slow progress through shingly sand.
But look, over it all the future looks shiny and sparkly.
and worth it.

Sunday 16 January 2011


Today he showed me that despite my feelings of panic and jittery and generally feeling lost, it didn't take much for him to soothe and calm me and assure me i was where i was meant to be. Just like a small furry guniea pig named Snowflake.

It was a good place today, a place i wanted to set up my tents and stay. It was hopeful. It had depth of meaning. I had the possibility of life in abundance today. I was loved just the way I was and in that I had a role to play.

But if I can't stay there, how, HOW, could this be with me every day. How could I be confident in a strength and wisdom bigger than myself, that I could tap into everyday? Apart from this here, I can do nothing. How do I stop the life from leaching out of me? How do I care less about what I look and appear like? How do I bring up my family with confidence?

I'm hoping tomorrow he will show me that despite my feelings of panic and jittery and generally feeling lost, it won't take much for him to soothe and calm me and assure me i am where i am meant to be. Just like a small furry guniea pig named Snowflake.

Friday 14 January 2011

Going Home

My little lad is always asking to go home. Whenever he's sad "I want to go home!" he sobs.

Mostly at bedtime, but also at other people's houses, toddler group, when mummy denies him something, when bored and doesn't know what to do.... " I want to go home!".

I'm starting to think that "going home" really means to feel content, happy, safe.

He went to preschool for the second time today and instead of swanning off with a peck on the cheek saying Goodbye mummy!, he wobbled, looked at me sadly and told me to stay and play. I settled him with the cars, a Percy and his keyworker and left feeling wobbly myself.

Fortunately, although having had a few ups and downs, when I picked him up, he threw his arms round me and jumped and danced and we jumped and danced all the way home. He was telling me what he had for snack and that he was happy and that he smiled at me and I was telling him what a good and brilliant and clever boy he was. When he entered the house, daddy was waiting to ask him about his day and they had a quick conversation about trains and preschool. Then he piped up of his own will....

"I'm very, very, very home!"

Yes, my lovely boy, you are xx

A lesson in Blackadder

Had another baldrick/blackadder education situation with Abs this eve....... first maths then phonics.....

Blackadder: Right Baldrick, let's try again shall we? This is called adding. If I have two beans, and then I add two more beans, what do I have?
Baldrick: Some beans.
Blackadder: Yes... and no. Let's try again shall we? I have two beans, then I add two more beans. What does that make?
Baldrick: A very small casserole.
Blackadder: Baldrick, the ape creatures of the Indus have mastered this. Now try again. One, two, three, four. So how many are there?
Baldrick: Three
Blackadder: What?
Baldrick: And that one.
...Blackadder: Three and that one. So if I add that one to the three what will I have?
Baldrick: Oh! Some beans!
And breathe........

Arsenal.... an odd word?

I have a mental block on Thursdays, I must have. Yesterday, I had the life leached out of me..... but today, to imperfectly coin a Klingon warcry,  is a good day to live. My dad said on my wedding day that I was like a combination of Tigger and Eeyore, either up or down but not a lot in between. That seems fair comment this week.

Ad has been away and although there has been no drama, bar the potential fridge fiasco, golly it has been hard work. Tired and still poorly from before Christmas, we've all been short-tempered, particularly Abs.
So new enthusiasm and creative responses are required from me to prevent WWIII breaking out. Something else to pull out of my arse....nal.

Thursday 13 January 2011


"It must be Thursday... I never could get the hang of Thursdays"   Douglas Adams

Wednesday 12 January 2011

I've always loved the rain........

I remember as a little girl being allowed to rush out in my pyjamas to ride my tricycle round and round our back yard in the pouring rain. It was oh so exciting, adventurous! Vivid and vibrant, the world smelt rich, earthy, delicious.

So today, forecast fulfilled, the heavy rain fell in big plashing drops. And although the day remained dull, filtered through grey coloured spectacles, bare fingered trees pleading with the seasons, something of the ice cold cruelty thawed and the world smelt delicious once again.

Tuesday 11 January 2011


My phone has died again....

please please don't make me go back to carphone warehouse..... the last guy who served me was dead could see it in his eyes! There was no life there whatsoever. It would be the perfect place for a zombie hideout.... by day telephone consultant - by night.....uuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrgh.

Monday 10 January 2011

First Timer

Its a new day, its a new dawn its a new year for me and I'm feeling good.

On his blog he says he posts this every 3 years because it remains true, I happen to agree with him.
May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.    Neil Gaiman       

and then someone posted this

Pay It Forward 2011....I promise to send something homemade to the first 5 people who leave a comment here. They must , in turn, post this and send something they make to the first 5 people who comment on their status. The rules are that it must be handmade and it must be sent to your 5 people sometime in 2011.

This year I'd like to write something, make something, sing something and hopefully kiss someone who thinks I'm wonderful (oi family, please think i'm wonderful????).

So I'm collecting my thoughts on a blog.... hopefully there'll be something surprising to look back on in Jan 2012.

PS Hattie, steam punk, book binding,